
Monday 13 June 2016

Race Solipsi Rai (Aka Grey Aliens)

Race Solipsi Rai (AKA Grey Aliens)

Greys are usually depicted as grey-skinned humanoid beings that possess smaller shapes, or lack external human organs. These creatures have no noses, no ears or reproductive organs Their bodies are also elongated, have a smaller chest than humans, and have minimal muscular definition. Their legs are short and their joints are quite different from what one would expect in a human. They are also  depicted, as proportionally different as to human's but look very similar. Their thighs and limbs are equal in length as their forearms.

An Grey alien can be identified to have a large head in proportion to their bodies. Have no hair anywhere on their body. They have holes or openings for ears and a nose. They are also depicted to have very small slit mouths, with no lips and have very large opaque black eyes with no discernible iris or pupil. Some reports have even stated that their black eyes are actually night vision lens that cover their eye from our natural sun light. Grey aliens can vary in size depending the breed type.

The Greys were first identified by abductee Barnie and Betty Hill. The Hill's stated that these visitors were about two feet tall (roughly 60cm) and the leaders being roughly around 121cm. Travis Walton was another alleged abductee, whom went missing for three days and confirmed that it was Grey aliens behind his kidnapping. The funny truth is that these abductees underwent a polygraph test (lie detecting test) and it was confirmed that they were not lying. Their story was in fact real is rather quite disturbing. 

More interesting claims  are that the Grey alien race is about 2 billion years old and shares a similar history to our own human history. Some go as far to argue that these aliens are us from the future, whom have evolved over 2 billion years. 

During the early 1980s popular culture linked these aliens to the alleged crash landing of a flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. A number of witnesses came forward with statements claiming to have seen U.S. military handling a number of unusually proportioned, bald, child-sized beings and parts of a flying disc that resembled similar properties as acetate. Acetate had not been fully developed during this time and was actually a revolutionary product when it came out in the 1950's after the crash. 

Sunday 12 June 2016

Race Anunnaki

According Zecharia Sitchin, a planet enters our solar system roughly every four thousands Earth years. This planet is called Nibiru. The planet has an elliptical orbit that spins in a clockwise orbit.

Nibru is occupied by a alien race called the Anunnaki. "Anunnaki", being a Sumerian word for princely offspring from their powerful deity gods. Sitchin argues that his research is backed by ancient Sumerian, Egyptian hieroglyphs and the Bible. Some of these texts in-fact state that these alien beings created humanity in their image as a slave race.

The purpose of creating such a slave race, ensured that the Anunnaki had a gold mining colony on Earth during the early ancient era. The Anunnaki were regarded as gigantic nifilims in the Bible. Are depicted to be about 2 meters tall and share the same human features as us. It is also believed that they combined the DNA from the Homo Sapiens species with their own DNA to create today's modern Homo Erectus human beings. Some ancient alien-archaeologists argue that this could actually be the missing link of early man evolution.

The rule of the Anunnaki can be traced up to Egyptian times, until they are replaced and defeated by another more cunning alien race, whom slowly took control through the use of shape shifting. This race is known as the reptilian race.

The large head of the Anunnaki race matches the same description as my first initial post on "Race Ramay". Both races have been described to have created or altered man in some purpose to serve as a slave race for their own benefit. This large head feature can also been seen on today's popular culture belief or man made thought of grey aliens

Stay tuned for my next post and final conclusion...

Saturday 14 May 2016

Race Ramay

Race Ramay - The Mayan's Grandfathers

Are to be known, as a very peaceful alien race in general. The upper head size seems to be much more enlarged compared to modern human heads. In ancient times, they tried to co-exist with us, but decided to genetically breed different species of man. Until they managed to create a human hybrid race, known as the Mayan civilization.

This was done by taking different human species around the globe and inter breading them in Southern America. The Ramay species have a very advanced scientific mind. Their knowledge was passed on to Mayans race through astronomy, farming and time.

Ufologists and some archaeologists believe, that when this race seized to co-exist with us and left. The Mayans civilization began to do rituals of sacrificing and blood offerings in their name.
A Mayan carving of what seems to be a man controlling some kind of rocket.

They come from a planet called Capella in the constellation of Auriga. Some believe that a colony was set up here on Earth to mine gold, which their home planet lacked for survival. This explains why the Spanish conquistadors were astounded by how much gold the Mayan civilization had.